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Investor Voices

We've worked with more than 18,000 investors over the past 25 years. While their motivations for investing are diverse and often deeply personal, these individuals are part of a growing movement that believes we can do better things with our money. Here are some of their viewpoints on impact investing.

Getting started with impact investing

If you are not familiar with the term impact investing, you aren’t alone. Impact investing is simply investing for both financial and social or environmental returns.

The power of collective actions

You don’t need to be a millionaire to make a difference with your dollars. When you invest, you become part of a community of thousands of people voting with their dollars. Those dollars can add up to create big benefits for people and planet.

Know where your funds are going

Investing and finance has become largely intangible and impersonal. We often don’t know what our money is doing when it’s sitting in a savings account. But there are ways to invest that create real-life outcomes, that you can touch and feel.

Aligning your personal values

Investing can be an expression of your personal values. It’s about knowing what’s important to you, and figuring out how to support that through your dollars.

Investing to support your community

Investing is a way to take action where you live, play, and work: your local community. You can earn returns by investing in businesses and organizations that are creating quality jobs and stronger communities.